Adopt & Embrace Microsoft Teams:
Community Copies Program

On behalf of the team at Adopt & Embrace, thank you for what you do!

We would love to support your upcoming Microsoft Teams user group, community focused event, podcast, or other Microsoft Teams community related activity by sending you three copies of our new book - "Adopt & Embrace Microsoft Teams - a managers guide to communication, collaboration, and coordination with Microsoft Teams".

Our priority is to support community focused activities that are free to participate in and delivered by volunteers/passionate community members outside of their day jobs. We will also support Microsoft Teams conferences that are clearly community focused, where attendance/sponsor fees are used to simply cover the cost of the venue and travel and accommodation for speakers.

If approved, we will send you a coupon code to be used at to order up to three free community copies. This coupon code can only be used once, and will include free shipping to one address. Please plan ahead as orders are printed on demand and may take 2-3 weeks to arrive depending on your location.


Our one ask in return

We would love to see our book at your usergroup or event. Can you please:

  1. take a photo of the moment you give away the book at your event,
  2. post it on your socials, and
  3. tag @adoptandembrace on twitter, or our LinkedIn page in the post.

We are making a collage of our book in the hands of readers around the world and would love to include your event in the image!


To apply for your community copies

... simply fill in this Microsoft Form.  We will review your application in the next couple of days

Thanks again for everything you do for the community, and we are looking forward to supporting your event soon!

Paul, Helen, Ben, & Darrell

Adopt & Embrace Microsoft Teams